There is a new daily Morse code in the game Hamster Kombat on June 10, 2024. This code gives players an extra 1,000,000 coins. In this article, me and my editorial team will publish the new code and tell you how to use it.

New Secret code for Hamster Kombat 10 June 2024

New word-code: WEB3

W • – –


B – • • •

3 • • • – –

Secret code for Hamster Kombat 10 June 2024

Basic rules of Morse code

Let’s define the rules for entering code in the game.

“-” is a quick press
“-” is a long press (~2 seconds).

How to activate the cipher

  • Go to the Hamster Kombat game.
  • Quickly tap 3 times on the “Gain per tap” item in the upper left corner.
  • Your coin will turn red in color.


Using the Morse code in Hamster Kombat brings players significant rewards. Following simple instructions, you can increase your game balance and get new opportunities in the game. Regular participation in tasks with ciphers makes the game more exciting and dynamic.

For those who do not quite understand how it works, it is recommended to watch the tutorial video in the Telegram channel of the game. With its help you will easily learn new tasks and get maximum pleasure from playing Hamster Kombat.